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Working principle of plunger pump

The working principle of a plunger pump is to change the volume of the sealed working chamber through the reciprocating motion of the plunger in the cylinder body, thereby achieving the functions of oil suction and pressure. A plunger pump relies on a sealed working chamber formed between the plunger

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Apa alasan kurangnya tekanan pada pompa roda gigi?

The reasons for the lack of pressure in gear pumps may include the following: 1. Incorrect rotation direction: If the rotation direction of the gear pump is opposite to the specified direction, it will cause the pump to malfunction. You can readjust the direction by adjusting the power line. ‌

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Apa alasan kurangnya tekanan pada pompa pendorong?

The main reasons for the lack of pressure in plunger pumps include the following: 1. Blockage of the suction line filter: This can cause the hydraulic system to malfunction, resulting in the pump being unable to generate pressure. 2. Low oil level in hydraulic oil tank: Low oil level can

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Working Principle of Gear Pump

The working principle of gear pump is relatively intuitive and efficient. It is a positive displacement pump designed and manufactured using the principle of gear meshing. The following is a detailed explanation of its working principle: 1. Basic Structure Gear pumps are mainly composed of two or three gears, pump

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Timeway adalah produsen pompa piston terkemuka, yang terkenal dengan kualitas dan teknik presisi yang tak tertandingi. Grup rotasi kami menggunakan keahlian kelas dunia, menampilkan komponen dengan hasil akhir yang sempurna dan kekerasan yang luar biasa. Dedikasi terhadap kualitas ini dipelopori oleh perintis teknik hidrolik, Tn. Han. Di bawah kepemimpinannya, Timeway mengembangkan rangkaian komponen pompa yang komprehensif, termasuk semua kuningan, semi-kuningan, dan alat kelengkapan baja berkekuatan tinggi.

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